Virtual Classroom-Live/Interactive Participation Guidelines: Students must have computer, webcam & microphone capability to participate & receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor. A copy of your driver’s license must be emailed to the Chapter office as verification after you have registered for the offering prior to the offering start date. You will receive a separate email from the Chapter Office with log-in/access information. You do not need a paid account from ZOOM to participate. If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone please download the ZOOM app prior to offering. Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer. If you have a Lenovo laptop, you must have the Lenovo Vantage App installed on your computer for webcam to work. Check state approvals before registering to make sure the states you are licensed have approved the course/seminar and allow Virtual education in place of classroom education during the pandemic.
Contact the chapter with questions regarding participation guidelines:
Legal Issues for Non-Lending and Litigation Appraisal Assignments
Wednesday, September 30 2 pm – 5 pm (3 CE hrs)
PRESENTER: Peter Christensen of Christensen Law Firm
Most discussion of appraiser liability focuses on lawsuits and claims relating to appraisals performed for mortgage lending. However, appraisal assignments for litigation and other non-lending purposes actually present a greater liability risk to the appraiser on a per assignment basis. This seminar addresses the specific liability risks and additional key legal issues associated with appraisals for litigation, divorce, estate, tax, conservation easements and other non-lending purposes. It also addresses liability considerations for review appraisers. Actual lawsuits against appraisers form the foundation of the seminar.
These are the kinds of questions that appraisers get answered in this seminar: Who sues appraisers serving as expert witnesses? Who sues appraisers performing appraisals for tax purposes? What’s the surest way for an appraiser to be sued for non-lending work? What’s the likelihood of being sued about a retrospective review appraisal? How does potential liability for a retrospective review compare with potential liability for a contemporaneous review? What are the statutes of limitation for claims? What special provisions should I consider putting in an engagement letter for different types of non-lending assignments?
The objectives of the seminar are to educate appraisers about:
- The most common sources and causes of professional negligence lawsuits against appraisers in connection with non-lending appraisal assignments.
- The unique liability risks imposed by certain non-lending work.
- What appraisers can do to minimize liability risk for non-lending work (the emphasis is on better and clearer disclosure and using appropriate provisions in reports and engagement letters).
- How to deal with common liability threat situations.
- The role of professional liability insurance.
About Peter Christensen (Christensen Law Firm)
Mr. Christensen is the author of Risk Management for Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Firms published by the Appraisal Institute. With respect to real estate valuation, his law practice experiences include:
- Handling of liability threats, claims and litigation against appraisers, appraisal firms & AMCs.
- Defense of state disciplinary complaints against appraisers and AMCs.
- Providing legal counsel and risk management to appraisers, appraisal firms and AMCs in connection with professional liability, engagement agreements, vendor management, indemnification and employment matters.
He was previously General Counsel and Shareholder for LIA Administrators & Insurance Services. Mr. Christensen is a member of the California State Bar and Washington State Bar.
Any & all cancellations are subject to an admin fee. No credit/refunds for cancellations made on or after 7 days prior to class. No credit/refunds for no-shows. Our cancellation policy is stated on the registration portal. CE credits pending with NJ, PA, NY, DE & MD. (NJ Tax board credit reciprocity for appraisal credits.) For information on any additional state’s CE credit possibilities, please contact lisamayweiss@hotmail,com in advance.
Registration Fee: $65 member/$75 non-member